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Friday, June 19, 2009

Rehab Day 12

Weight: 123.2 (finally...)

Breakfast - 1/2 larabar (before I biked to the gym), 2 eggs, nuts
Snack - Lemon chicken, more nuts, beef jerky
Post Workout - A large Tropical Tornado Booster Juice smoothie, minus the yogurt. Added my own fried egg white protein rather than the soy protein powder they use because soy isn't food.
Late Lunch - 2 sirloin beef patties, with all the bunless-fixins and a plate of veggies
Dinner - here's where it all goes wrong...

So we went to a party at a friend's house and managed to successsfully avoid all the non-paleo items like lasagna, bean salad, crackers, cheese, and even all the booze. On the way home, we stopped at a grocery store to pick up eggs for tomorrow's breakfast. And here's where the fatal mistake was made: we went to the grocery store hungry! Our quick stop for eggs turned into a cheat night involving Delisio pizza, a sausage roll, and some cookies. SH*T!!!

Damn you pizza and your grainy cheesy deliciousness!

Today's WOD

AMRAP in 20 mins of:
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Bench Press, 56lbs
15 Push Press, 56lbs
20 Dips

Finished 4 rounds + 10 bench press + 6 push press. This was a killer since all 4 exercises use the same "pushing" muscles, but it felt great. I love a good shoulder day!

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